Last summer, we added a program to our summer Fellowship where each Fellow would host a breakfast at their internship organization on a Friday morning. We found that this helped the Fellows bond with each other, get to know more about each other’s work, and have a greater sense of cohesion with the Hope Fund family. This summer one of the breakfasts fell on the date of Hope’s birthday, and the Fellows realized this and planned a surprise celebration for Ellen, with cake, flowers, and birthday cards.

2015 Fellows celebrate Hope’s birthday. From left to right: Semhal Gessesse, Kareem Watson, Rahilou Diallo, Arianna Flores Perez, and Chenisvel Nunez
The celebration, which was organized with the help of 2014 Fellow Christian Sanoguel, was a testament to Hope’s memory, and the impact she’s had on these Fellows who never knew her personally.
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