Hope Fund Fellows and Family at the 2015 Orientation
The summer started off with an absolutely delightful and productive gathering. On the last Sunday in May, all of the new 2015 Fellows joined for the first time in the conference room at Brooklyn Defender Services, where they were greeted by past Hope Fund Fellows, supervisors from their host organizations, and members of the Hope Fund Advisory Board. After introductions and one-on-one meetings between the Fellows and their new supervisors, we were all treated to an exceptional workshop on Social Justice, led by three of the 2014 Hope Fund Fellows, Christian Sanoguel, Janet Ceron, and Sadasia McCutchen:

from left to right: 2015 Fellow Rahilou Diallo, and 2014 Fellows Sadasia McCutchen, Janet Ceron, and Christian Sanoguel. On the right whiteboard is a list we compiled together of things we feel are injustices. The 2014 Fellows then asked us to reflect on specific personal instances we have encountered these injustices, and then what we might do to change the injustice.
Next, we were joined by Didier Sylvain, a multidisciplinary artist and consultant, who led us on a workshop entitled Head + Heart = Hustle. He encouraged us to reflect on how we want to be seen by others, and to brainstorm what kinds of change we want to effect in the world. It was a very rich reflection and a great send-off for the Fellows on their way into ten weeks of important work.

Didier Sylvain leads his Head+Heart=Hustle workshop
Last but not least, Pedro Ventura, a member of the Hope Fund Advisory Board and an old friend of Hope’s from high school, led a workshop on professionalism in the workplace. The Fellows were glad to have some great practical advice on how to present themselves in a professional setting.
And of course, no Hope Fund Orientation would be complete without our beloved mascot, Wally:

Wally poses with 2015 Hope Fund Fellows Arianna Flores Perez, Rahilou Diallo, Chenisvel Nunez, Semhal Gessesse, and Kareem Watson (from left to right)
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